Sunday, 24 June 2012

..Beauty and Fashion Youtubers

I've said I'd do this post for ages now, so here are my top 5 Beauty/Fashion Youtubers I watch. Obviously there is a lot more than 5 out there, and I definitely watch more than these, but that would be one long list if i mentioned all the ones I do watch, so these are my overall favourites

So I'm going to start with one of the ones i started watching first and that's the beautiful Jennie Jenkins and on Youtube, BeautyByJJ. She's very much inspired by Kim Kardashian who I love and I find all her tutorials really easy to do, and mostly I'm in love her hair. I Look to her channel mostly for tutorials. So do check her out.

Next is someone i only subscribed to recently and that's Estee, also known as EssieButton. She really is one of the funniest people I follow, which makes it soo enjoyable to watch her videos. I Look to her channel for her Empties videos, a video where she say what products she's used up over the past month or so and how they were, and all that good stuff. She does a bit a vlogging too that's always fun to watch. She's originally from Canada and lives in England now, and has the most amazing story of how she ended up in England. I Love reading her blog too , and that too is one of my favorites.

 This girl is sooo Pretty ! And I know there's no reason to say this as I've pretty much said it about everyone else but truly this girl really i so pretty, and that my friends is Zoe, On Youtube Zoella280390 and I feel like i cant mention Zoe without mentioning Louise as well (SprinkleOfGlitter) There Collab videos are soo much fun to watch. Their both really funny to watch, and I (surprise,surprise) Love all their Haul videos. I Love reading their blogs too, especially Louise which sometimes features the most beautiful baby I've ever seen, her daughter Baby Glitter (actually called Darcy).

Last But Not least there's....... Shirley , (shirleybeniang) and I love every single one of her videos. Hair videos,  Outfit of the day, Current favorites, tutorials , You name it I watch them. I love her blog too , and one of her blog posts inspired me to write my own blog too , so I guess I'm thankful to her for that too.

 That's All , be sure to check out all the above , if thats what your into , Comment and Subscribe :)


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