Thursday, 18 October 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild | Movie Review

I was lucky enough to get to see the exclusive premiere of this movie but before I get into the details I have to talk a bit about the venue.

The venue was the Lighthouse cinema in Smithfield , and I do vaguely remember hearing about screenings being held there but I just had no idea where it was. Smithfield is still part of the city centre so anyone could easily walk but if your as lazy as I am you can always get the Luas. I thought it was a bit different to most cinemas, the atmosphere was different for sure, it felt more "grown up" to me.

The movie is centered around the life of a young girl no older than 8 called "Hush Puppy" (Quvenzhané Wallis) living with her father in what could be called a preapocalyptic world. I think that's why I liked this movie, because it more or less had the same premise of movies such as "The day after tomorrow" but rather than being a popcorn flick, the story is told in a tone that is more heartfelt. Also it was easy to be absorbed in the world, without spoiling anything, because really it was a vision of what our lives could be like in a few years.

The only faults I have with the movie is I think that hand held shaky cam was overused and just gave me a headache. I understand the director used it to help the audience feel more involved in some scenes but I just didn't like it. And finally the title doesn't make much sense to me, maybe I'm too much of a simpleton to get it and that could also be why I didn't understand a little scene near the end.

All in all, it was a great heartfelt movie that I probably would see again. So if its in a cinema near you, don't miss it!

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