You may and most likely have seen an empties post before. I know the first one I've ever seen was by
EssieButton, and since I've seen loads, both on blogs and on youtube. And I
LOVE them! I love hauls as much as the next person, but empties are more mini honest reviews, because you have to put up with the product till its all gone. So you may learn to love something at first you weren't so keen on or the opposite and absolutely loathe it.
(Some Pictures are bit shadowy because I took them at night with no extra lighting, because the lighting was really washed out during the day .. blah blah blah excuses *sigh* )
This product I had never heard of before. I found it in my local pharmacy at a really decent price, and after hearing a lot of talk that tea tree oils are great for your skin, I decided to give it a go. Its a scrub so it has those little pearls that are supposed to exfoiliate your skin, and it claims to refresh and cleanse. Unfortunately it did absolutely nothing for me. Its not a bad product, it just didn't do any wonders. So it won't be repurchased, and I'll be on the hunt again.
From Top L-R. Starlyte Rose Garden, Starlyte Strawberry and cream, Primark Lotus Flower, Yankee Candle Strawberry Buttercream, Starlyte Mango and Peach
I'm love with candles, and this entire summer, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't have a candle burning. These are all from different companys, but they are pretty much the same as for quality. The Yankee candle does stand out as the best though,and for that it is the most expensive and has the longest lasting quality. The primark one was the least best because they only had one scent I liked, but I've recently gone in and seen that they've added new scents and got rid of some of the old ones, so I'll try them out as they are really inexpensive. Maybe I should switch to getting the bigger jars so I won't go through them as quickly.

This is the first powder I'd ever used (not this exact one). My mum used it and so when I started wearing makeup, (not so long ago actually) I just imitated her. I liked it, I still like it but I like other powders better now. It has a pretty heavy coverage and on top of foundation it can look a bit cakey. I prefer the Mac Skin Mineralise Finish, better for wearing over foundation. It was in a recent Wishlist but i explained hy there so check it out !
The two bronzing powders above are pretty much the exact same, one is just smaller. I liked these a lot actually and will definitely repurchasing the smaller one. The downside to the big one is that its just not portable, but it lasts a really long. It's a really good bronzer through and through and reliable and will be the one I'll always go back to, till I find something better. I can't remember what price it was but it is a bit pricey as are some Isadora bits.

These were two samples from inglot, A powder (loose) and a foundation (AMC). Firstly I hate the sample packaging. How are you supposed to get the product out? Obviously its possibly, but it's just not ideal. The products themselves didn't win me over, nothing great about them so I won't be getting them.The foundation as pretty light feel, but then it didn't give much coverage. The powder too was light (feel and coverage) which I did like, because it was ideal to use as a finishing powder, so I may give it a whirl but it didn't have me raving that's all. Inglot do great eyeshadows though so I love them for that, but I'll pass on their foundation.

I've mentioned this product before in a favourites, so you already know how I feel about it. I got it as a present and didn't use it till this summer and I loved it soo much I repurchased the bigger bottle. The only downside to this is that I feel I can only use it in summer, maybe it's just a preference thing. I associate fruity scents with summer, and more musky with autumn. So I love it for summer and not anytime else.
I love smelling perfumes I haven't smelt in a while and just loving them again. I remember getting this because it was on sale and I used it up pretty quickly too. The only downside I can think of is that it's finished. I don't think its a seasonal scent, and could be worn all year round. I'm not even going to attempt describing how it smells, but I'd go into the shop if I were you and just have a lovely sniff.
I hated hated hated this foundation. I can't even put it into words how i disliked it. I tried soo hard to get along with it because it was a gift but it was truly awful. It was soo thick and completely unnatural looking. It made your face feel heavy and I hate that in a foundation. I like it when a foundation gives good coverage but still has a light feel. So
Unforch , this is a big no no. Its not available in Ireland or the UK anyway, it's from Ethopia. So it saves me having to worry how I would repurchase it, that's a plus I guess.
I know the packaging is really nothing special with these, but for some reason when these were all new I didnt want to use them. Anyway my weird OCD aside, they where a really nice trio. The "Body Lotion" was the one I loved, the shower gel was ok but nothing I need. The lotion was really light but still very mosturising which I love. the scent which is apparently "pure honey" smells nothing like honey from a jar, and its a smell that grew on me , I hated it when I first tried it, but it grew on me and now I actually miss it. For the sake of having the three beside each other, I would crazily enough purchase them all just to put them beside each other.
Overall this seemed a bit negative to me,but Hey, I'm being honest and there's a few gems in there.
Comment below on what products you've used up and want to repurchase. Or on whatever you like.
Comments make me smile :)