Tuesday, 22 May 2012

YouTube Movie Reviewers I'm LaLaLoving :D

These are really my top favourites. I've been watching movie reviews for a good few years now, and the community has really grown so far that they have their own award show (YouReviewers). I like it that not only do these reviews inform me about the movies , which if they didn't pretty much defeats the purpose , but they're really entertaining and I find myself watching the same review several times. Or maybe I'm just a lil sad ...

So let me start with the first movie reviewer I came across and instantly "imprinted" with his sarcastic humour and overall charisma. This Movie Reviewer is none other than Jeremy Jahns (Pronounced Johns). I said imprinted as the first review I watched was the review of new moon. Definitely one of my favourite movie reviews. It really helped me see the Twilight saga in new light , and helped me understand why I was twitching anytime I saw Kristian Stewart engage in any sort of dialogue. But He doesnt just dish on twilight movies, his other reviews are great too.

Next up are the guys , Mark Ellis and Kristian Harloff, from the SchmoesKnow channel. I have to admit, I knew about them for a while but never really got into their videos til about less than a year ago when they started their podcast which I love. They bring out videos pretty regularly and I'm always checking my Subsription box for new uploads. Theres two of them so you get two different opinions on the movie and your bound to agree with atleast one of them, and they are hilarious aswell. They Founded the YouReviewers aswell, so props to them for that.

For a lil change up , here's Catherine Reitman that I checked out because I heard she was apparently a female Jeremy Jahns, So duh had to see for myself. They both film on a green screen and have a great sense of humour but that's as far as similarities go for me anyway. You may recognise her from a small role in the movie friends with benefits and also lets not forget "Girl with Puppy" in Ghostbusters 2. Her and Jeremy also did a collab video on her show called Breakin it down that's also available in revision 3. Check it out below , it would be the REIT thing to do.

Chris Stuckmann is 4th on my list. I think his reviews are more in depth, than the others I watch, talking more about the directing and stuff like that , but overall still entertaining. What's unique to Chris is he also does Blu-ray reviews now and again. I also am ever thankful to him for making me aware of this next YouTuber whom I adore :)

Last and not least its Anders Wotzke from Cutprintreviews. Prior to Video reviews , he's one of the reviewers on the Australian website Moviedex.com. His Reviews are Hilarious , and I find myself looking forward to the skits too that are a feature in most if not all his reviews. The only little gripe I have is that he doesn't post too regularly, but hey, I understand people have lives :)

Soo Yeahh that's my list, Do check each one out, if you love movies like I do , I'm sure you'll enjoy these reviewers.


Skyfall (James Bond) Teaser Trailer Review

I know I've been writing more trailers than movie reviews but I Promise I will be reviewing Snow White and the Huntsman soon, as i can't wait to see how that turns out.

But Yeah , New James bond movie , why not talk about that ? I guess I should start by saying I remember No James Bond movie in detail. Like NONE, I saw bits and pieces as a child , had the Nintendo 64 game for Golden eye I think it was, if I find a it I'll attach a picture. What I'm trying to say really is I have no history with these movies no expectations, so in the opening scene of this trailer, I know it is intended to not know much about the situation, as it is a teaser, but I have this feeling that maybe I'm missing important information to what the character is all about.

Or maybe I'm completely wrong , unjust dont know if the movies connect or no. I guess its because of this I didn't think much of the trailer, it was thrilling at times, had what I assume is the typical bond music no?, and also a few questions raised , but didn't make me have to see this movie. I watched a review of the trailer too right after I'd watched it, someone (Chris Stuckmann check him out on Youtube ) who really seemed to like it having watched the previous ones and maybe that's what I'm missing after all. Guess I have catching up to do.

That's all really, Comment below and let me know what you think :)


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Shopping Horror & mini mini Haul

This Post really is a hit aboutbme but whatever....My Graduation is coming up later this week (Finally, Yaay), so I needed a dress, but with me living quite a significant distance from Dublin, I had to choose between studying every weekend or searching for a dress over several weekends.

So I the wise person that I am decided to leave getting my dress, make-up , jewellery all in ONE DAY , and make it for a hair appointment at 4. If at this point you can predict the ending you are in all ways right.

Writing it down now , really proves to me how silly this plan was, it was inevitably going to fail , how bad though I never imagined.

Really how can there be NO dress I like that fits me nicely between all the shops in Dundrum and the city centre ? The horrors of the day aside I just ended up breaking down in self-pity. Does this only happen to me ? I doubt that highly.

But ofcourse some good comes out of the bad, hairs done, and I got beautiful h&m rings (originally all for 22euro, got them all for 5 ) , and formed a new found love for Carmex lip balm :D ( And ofcourse repurchased my fav lipstick of all time)

Premium Rush Trailer Review

If Your anything like me a few minutes ago , you may never have heard about the movie. And the poster is hardly what I would call interesting. Anyway I Heard about it from one of my favourite YouTube movie reviewers , SchmoesKnow, in their August Summer Movie Preview video. Feel free to check that out :)

As You all may know by now , the front runner of all the movies I wanna see this summer , is the Dark Knight but I have to root for the little ones too .
Especially when The only reason I watched the trailer for this is because Joseph Gordon-Levitt's in it ! Hearing that alone had me sold , but the trailer didn't dissapoint either.

Without talking too much about the trailer, there's a bike crash at the start and then there's others too , each of them very fatal looking, which confused me , and maybe there's time travel involved because we see a clock going backwards , and then he's (Gordon-Levitt) is in hospital. Soo many questions , things a good trailer brings out in its audience.

I love love how they did this ! The suspense in the trailer is Soo high , and unlike say the dark knight a lot of people know batman storys, but I've never heard of this story , making me completely clueless going in , with no high expectations.

Check Out the Trailer on IMDb.

Comment Below if you've seen this trailer and your looking forward to it , or not, or what ever it is do let me know :)


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Updates & Instagraming & more...

Hi Everyone,

As I said in my "Welcome back" post I'm swamped with work but I'm notorious at procrastinating, so I will still be posting quite regularly.

Also if I'm not posting , you can still check out my instagram, some of which pictures I will attach to this post (new lipsticks , obsession with fruit salad) :) And that's @BoseAllen

I'm probably going to do monthly favorites and what not , and beauty posts are gonna have to wait till I fix my camera :( Because I obviously have bought things but the quality of an iPad camera isn't that great.

My blog also may not be the most attractive thing out there, it's really quite a mess. I will fix all that all in good thing , also thinking of an Official Blog name and URL . But like I said , all in due time.

But as for now I might as well feature the Youtubers I Constantly watch, Blogs I constantly read and a really big one for me Shows I Cannot live without . And Still the usual Music and Movie Posts :)

That's all in the upcoming days or so.

Comments , Feedback All Appreciate and if You Like Suscribe :)



Monday, 7 May 2012

The Amazing Spiderman vs The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Review

This seems to be the year of the superheros and with The Avengers having raised the bar quite high , how will these other two fare ?

I'll Start off with the Dark Knight Rises.
Man, that trailer almost gave me nightmares. It raises so many questions, the point of a good trailer , doesn't give away much of the plot, and include some nice destruction scenes.

Another thing this trailer did over the other too prior to this, is it really focused in on how menacing, and truly evil Bane is. It also puts the rumours to rest that we won't understand him.

And what I'd like to know is what is Joseph Gordon-Levitt's role in this movie ? Is he taking over as batman , is Bruce Wayne going to die?

Truly amazing trailer, eerie music that doesn't steal you away or try to distract you from what's going on.

Now Spiderman,
I have to say, I was hesitant to watch this trailer having felt the last one gave away a little bit more than I would have liked.

So this trailer didnt impress me much. , it felt a lot like "Previously on Spiderman" , like a prologue maybe , too much.

I'm still excited to see this movie, because im happy director Mark Webb went for darker tone , in contrast to the other spiderman movies.

But Still for me , It's the Dark Knight I can't wait for , I think it will be the best over the rest of the superhero genre this year, as Christopher Nolan never fails to impress me.

Tell me what You think ? Which will make more money? Which are You most excited for ?

If You Haven't already check out my Avengers review below :)


Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Avengers (Assemble) Movie Review

The wait is over , I JUST Got Home now , and I just couldn't keep this waiting !

Waaa-Hoowww ! (wow)

This review is just going to be ramblings of me using the word "awesome" if I don't have some structure. So here we are ....

Unless you are under a cave , yes "under", for I believe people in a cave know about this movie , Do yourself a favour and go see this movie!

Michael Bay I hope your taking notes ?
There was a lot of action , but it made sense , the acting was good, plot development. Checked every box of what a good movie should be .

There were little chuckles , and also full on comedy that evoked excitement throughout the audience.

I another thing i liked is , going into the movie I had a feeling it was going to be Iron man's show, that's the feel I got from the trailers anyway , But that's Soo far from the truth. Director Joss Whedon made every one of the Avengers relevant.

If there was anything the movie could do without, is probably Cobie Smulders ( known for the part of Robyn in How I met your mother) , didn't see why she was in it.

So Yeah ... IT WAS AWESOME :)

Oh and if you do go see this, there is a lil clip at the end worth watching so don't leave ?

If You've seen it, let me know what you thought about it in the comments below



Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Music Worth Blogging about ....

I Know its been like a few hours tops ? But I had to Break my vow of silence after watching this Video. It was Literally telling me not to keep it waiting (pun intended)

I Mean Wow, I Love it when a voice, belonging to someone you've never met just moves you , Hate to sound all hippy-like , But i Mean it, Moves me.

His voice is of a raspy/soulful kind, that i cannot begin to describe with any justice. 
If My Lack of words don't describe how amazing i think this is , well the music speaks for itself.

Little Inside Scoop :

Artist's Name is Matt Beilis, Lives In New York,  people like Ashton Kutcher and Bruno Mars were Tweeting about his videos and driving an online buzz ( As Says his Facebook)

Check Out too some of my Personal Favourites: The Thinnest Limb, Speak Your Own Mind And a cover of Katy Perry's Part of me



Welcome Back .. well Myself !

A lot has changed since the last time I posted , and I mean A LOT ! Exams Looming just around the corner ( that is how you use the word looming :/ no? )and what not , and I guess I've been so busy I forgot about the existence of this blog :(

If there is the slightest chance that someone was patiently awaiting my next post , (Which I highly doubt :P) I Apologize.

Anyway before I babble on a bit too much , I am going to return shortly , to be precise June 23rd, with the likes of....
1- Movie Reviews
2- Fashion/Beauty Hauls
3- Music News
4-Book reviews

And well as I said in my first introduction , not about me , but my opinions. It's a bit Diverse but, Hey That's what I'm all about :)

My Twitter Remains the same ...

But to keep up to date with me now check my instagram @boseallen :)

Ohh there will also be a YouTube Account opened , perhaps.... Maybe .. Possibly

But For Now ...

Chow ;)