Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Avengers (Assemble) Movie Review

The wait is over , I JUST Got Home now , and I just couldn't keep this waiting !

Waaa-Hoowww ! (wow)

This review is just going to be ramblings of me using the word "awesome" if I don't have some structure. So here we are ....

Unless you are under a cave , yes "under", for I believe people in a cave know about this movie , Do yourself a favour and go see this movie!

Michael Bay I hope your taking notes ?
There was a lot of action , but it made sense , the acting was good, plot development. Checked every box of what a good movie should be .

There were little chuckles , and also full on comedy that evoked excitement throughout the audience.

I another thing i liked is , going into the movie I had a feeling it was going to be Iron man's show, that's the feel I got from the trailers anyway , But that's Soo far from the truth. Director Joss Whedon made every one of the Avengers relevant.

If there was anything the movie could do without, is probably Cobie Smulders ( known for the part of Robyn in How I met your mother) , didn't see why she was in it.

So Yeah ... IT WAS AWESOME :)

Oh and if you do go see this, there is a lil clip at the end worth watching so don't leave ?

If You've seen it, let me know what you thought about it in the comments below



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