I know I've been writing more trailers than movie reviews but I Promise I will be reviewing Snow White and the Huntsman soon, as i can't wait to see how that turns out.
But Yeah , New James bond movie , why not talk about that ? I guess I should start by saying I remember No James Bond movie in detail. Like NONE, I saw bits and pieces as a child , had the Nintendo 64 game for Golden eye I think it was, if I find a it I'll attach a picture. What I'm trying to say really is I have no history with these movies no expectations, so in the opening scene of this trailer, I know it is intended to not know much about the situation, as it is a teaser, but I have this feeling that maybe I'm missing important information to what the character is all about.
Or maybe I'm completely wrong , unjust dont know if the movies connect or no. I guess its because of this I didn't think much of the trailer, it was thrilling at times, had what I assume is the typical bond music no?, and also a few questions raised , but didn't make me have to see this movie. I watched a review of the trailer too right after I'd watched it, someone (Chris Stuckmann check him out on Youtube ) who really seemed to like it having watched the previous ones and maybe that's what I'm missing after all. Guess I have catching up to do.
That's all really, Comment below and let me know what you think :)
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